Our policy
All information contained within the site of Électronique Master Vox Ltée must be clear, accurate, contain no false representation, dissimulation or denigration.
For all transactions, Électronique Master Vox Ltée will always use a double encryption key, thus guaranteeing confidentiality. This is accomplished through a certified Royal Bank of Canada server.
In order to reduce non-desired marketing offers, direct marketing agents must be transparent: the " individualized " data (clickstreams) are clearly identified and prone to approval by the consumer (right of refusal and anonymity). In their client profiles, our customers are given the option to choose to not receive any promotional emails from Électronique Master Vox Ltée
At Électronique Master Vox Ltée, all the employees are instructed to report back to the management team all undesirable messages or content: pornography, ill-intended solliciting of minors, consultation of private documents (deemed "secret") and all fraudulous business and/or trade practices.
If necessary, Électronique Master Vox Ltée will take part in the installation of filtering software which will serve to eliminate all undesirable messages and/or content.
Électronique Master Vox Ltée ensures maximum confidentiality and integrity within its company by certifying the equipment and software used. (This certification meets or exceeds OTP recommendations.)
Électronique Master Vox Ltée guards against data-processing frauds.